Exploring the Creative Mind: Creativity Assessment in BCom Business Management

06.10.23 03:59 PM Comment(s)


Welcome back to our exciting journey through the BCom in Business Management degree, featuring elective modules that delve deep into the world of ​Creativity in Management​. In this instalment of our ​blog series​, we are shining a spotlight on a captivating elective module: Creativity Assessment. This module offers a unique perspective on creativity, focusing on its assessment and measurement.

Understanding Creativity Assessment in the Modern Business Landscape

In today's rapidly evolving business landscape, creativity is not just a buzzword; it is a critical skill. The World Economic Forum's Top 10 Skills for the Fourth Industrial Revolution highlights the importance of creativity and innovation. These skills are essential for individuals and organisations looking to thrive in an increasingly competitive and dynamic world.

Measuring the Immeasurable

Creativity, often seen as an intangible quality, plays a pivotal role in driving innovation, problem-solving, and adaptability. But how can one measure something as elusive as creativity in Management? This is where the Creativity Assessment module comes into play.

Unlocking the Creativity Metrics

The primary objective of this module is to equip learners with the knowledge and skills needed to measure Creativity in Management effectively. Here is a closer look at what you will explore:

In-Depth Understanding: You will delve deep into the mechanisms required to measure Creativity in Management as an attribute. This foundational knowledge provides a solid framework for assessing creativity.

Comparing Creativity: Drawing insights from the World Economic Forum's research and industry best practices, you will have the opportunity to compare your organisation's creativity assessment. This practical approach helps identify areas for improvement and innovation.

Exploring Assessment Tools: The module introduces you to various creativity assessment tools. These tools are essential for evaluating and quantifying creativity, offering valuable insights into the creative potential of individuals and teams.

Impact on Learning and Business: Creativity is not just a nice-to-have skill; it significantly influences learning and business performance. The skills you develop in this module will enable you to understand the implications of creativity assessment on these crucial aspects of organisational tangible outcomes of thoughtful action, such as resolving workplace challenges and finding alternative and innovative products and services for the organisation.

Creativity in Modern Organisations: Discover why fostering Creativity in Management is a non-negotiable element for modern organisations. Whether it is driving innovation, embracing technology, or responding to unforeseen challenges, Creativity in Management is at the heart of adaptability and progress.

Creativity Drivers: Understand the key factors that drive creativity in managerial decision-making within your organisation. Whether it is the pursuit of innovation or the integration of cutting-edge technology, you will dissect these drivers in the context of real-world scenarios.

Role in Organisational Learning: Gain insights into how creativity assessment plays a pivotal role in organisational learning. From comparing creativity levels to measuring performance, you will uncover the essentials of creativity assessment and its contribution to continuous improvement.

Why Choose Creativity Assessment?

In a world where creativity fuels innovation and change, enrolling in the Creativity Assessment module is a strategic decision. Here are a few compelling reasons why you should consider this:

Alignment with Future Skills: The World Economic Forum's Top 10 Skills emphasises creativity and innovation as core competencies for the future. By mastering creativity assessment, you are positioning yourself as a professional equipped to thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Competitive Advantage: In today's competitive business world, creativity is a valuable asset. Those who can measure and cultivate Creativity in Management have a distinct advantage in driving innovation and staying ahead.

Informed Decision-Making: By grasping the intricacies of creativity assessment, you will make more informed decisions regarding learning, business strategies, and innovation initiatives. This skill set is invaluable for managers and leaders.

Adaptability and Growth: Creativity assessment equips you with the tools to adapt and grow in an ever-changing environment. As the business landscape evolves, your ability to measure and nurture Managerial Creativity becomes even more critical.

The Applied Creativity Practitioners Programme: An Alternative Pathway

Our commitment to equipping you with essential skills extends beyond the traditional BCom path. The Applied Creativity Practitioners Programme is an alternative program designed to empower students with the same invaluable competencies offered within the elective modules of Creativity in Management in the BCom Business Management Degree.

This standalone program allows you to enrol independently from the BCom degree and be credentialed as an Applied Creativity Practitioner. It is a flexible option that ensures you access the same transformative content for Managerial Creativity. Whether you choose the BCom Business Management degree with electives in Creativity in Management or opt for the Applied Creativity Practitioners Programme, you are tapping into a wealth of knowledge and skills that are crucial for success in the modern business landscape. For more information, please book a free engagement session with one of our support persons at Nomix™ Engagement.


As you can see, the Creativity Assessment module is a fascinating exploration into the world of creativity measurement. It empowers you with the knowledge and skills to gauge creativity effectively, offering a unique perspective on an otherwise abstract concept. In the business world, creativity is the driving force behind innovation, adaptability, and success. Embrace this module, and you will be well on your way to becoming a creative leader who can navigate complexity, inspire innovation, and drive positive change.

Do not forget to explore the ​Nomix™​ website and take a look at the diverse ​Tertiary Education​ options we offer, including our ​previous blogs​ in the BCom Business Management with Elective Modules in Creativity in Management series to gain a comprehensive understanding of the transformative journey offered by this program. Whether you choose the BCom Business Management with elective modules in ​Creativity in Management​ path or the Applied Creativity ​Practitioners Programme​, your future as a creative leader in business management starts here.

Dr Pieter du Toit
Specialisation: Change Management, Aviation Management, Business Management, Human Resources, Coaching and Business Leadership