Creativity: A Future Skill Now

21.12.21 07:20 AM Comment(s)

Be a Front Runner!

Pursue any article regarding the most desired skills for the future and you will find that creativity consistently ranks within the top five skills. Several authors may refer to aspects such as problem-solving or innovative thinking, however, these are a derivate from the much larger creativity umbrella. Companies such as Toyota are preferring to employ people above machines in certain areas of their factories as humans can propose ideas for improvement that signifies the need for creative solutions to unique challenges.

One may contemplate and ask; “If the creative skill is so important, why was it not part of my upbringing?” A possible answer to this question may be that in times where change is trending towards a greater need for such competencies in the workplace, education systems battle to keep up with adding such soft-skills to their curriculums. Until now, creativity has been somewhat of a mysterious topic condemned to statements such as: “I simply wasn’t born creative”, or even more degrading, “I’m not artistic enough to be creative”. These indifferent misconceptions are on the verge of being eliminated as more and more people come to realise that creativity is an entirely relevant topic and competence that can be acquired through learning and practising.

Become a front-runner!  Start developing yourself today as a master of this art by becoming a scholar and creativity practitioner. 
Dr Pieter du Toit
Specialisation: Change Management, Aviation Management, Business Management, Human Resources, Coaching and Business Leadership