Blog tagged as creative

Freedom of Thinking or Conformity - Part 2
But just think how it would be if everyone else looked at things as you do – what would the world be like?
― F. Scott Fitzgerald
Let’s look at conformity thinking again: Thinking conformity can happen when people change their opinions to align with the majority opinion of a group. It occurs whe...
05.05.23 10:27 AM - Comment(s)
Freedom of Thinking or Conformity
It is not that easy to look at our thinking objectively. Negative thinking patterns can develop without us realising it and can add unnecessary stress and anxiety to our lives. What is important, is to realise that we don't have to be a slave to old and negative thinking patterns.
25.11.22 03:10 PM - Comment(s)
Creativity: A Future Skill Now

Pursue any article regarding the most desired skills for the future and you will find that creativity consistently ranks within the top five skills. Several authors may refer to aspects such as problem-solving or innovative thinking, however, these are a derivate from the much larger creativity umbr...

21.12.21 07:20 AM - Comment(s)
