The Collaboral Competencies of the Holistic Practitioner

30.06.23 03:22 PM Comment(s)


Holistic practitioners play an essential role in helping people lead more fulfilling lives. They do not only focus on treating symptoms but also aim to identify the root cause of the problem to achieve long-term, sustainable results. However, to be effective in their practice, they need to possess a set of competencies that enable them to engage with their clients successfully. These are known as collaboral competencies, which involve a participative and discrete engagement within collaboral interpersonal relationships. In this blog post, we will discuss the collaboral competencies that a holistic practitioner should possess to provide excellent service to their clients.


The first collaboral competency that a holistic practitioner should possess is intuition. Practitioners need to trust and rely on their intuition to understand the needs of their clients, even when they cannot articulate them clearly. Intuition allows practitioners to connect with their clients and create a safe and supportive environment for any conversation. To develop intuition, holistic practitioners need to work on their self-awareness regularly. Self-awareness can be enhanced by engaging in regular meditation practices, reflections, and other mindfulness exercises.


Empathy is another essential collaboral competency that any holistic practitioner should have. Empathy allows practitioners to understand the emotions and experiences of their clients truly. By empathising with clients, practitioners can provide a safe space where clients can share their thoughts and feelings without feeling judged. Empathy also enables practitioners to tailor their techniques and treatments to suit each client's unique needs. To develop empathy, practitioners need to work on their emotional intelligence continuously. They can achieve this by engaging in emotional intelligence exercises such as reading books, attending seminars, and practising empathy-building exercises. Personal & Social Profiling provides insights about your personal and others' unique thinking styles to enable an approach.


Sensory realisations are another vital collaboral competency that a holistic practitioner should possess. With sensory realisation, practitioners can perceive and understand the world using their five senses. This sensitivity enables them to read the subtle cues that clients give, which allows them to provide better care. Sensory realisation helps practitioners to understand clients beyond words. It enables practitioners to connect with their clients and foster trust and confidence in the therapeutic relationship. To develop sensory realisation, practitioners need to master their senses through practising mindful breathing, sensory-motor tasks, and body awareness exercises. Explore Practitioner Guidance Essentials for the cultivation of collaboral competencies.


Responsibility is another key collaboral competency of any holistic practitioner. Clients often come to holistic practitioners seeking solutions to their problems. For practitioners to be effective, they need to help clients understand and accept responsibility for their actions. Practitioners can do this by helping clients to identify the choices they need to make to reach their goals. Practitioners need to encourage clients to take ownership of their challenges and help them develop practical action plans to overcome them. To develop responsibility, practitioners need to deeply understand their client's needs, enabling them to provide informed guidance and advice.


The final collaboral competency that a holistic practitioner should have is accountability. Accountability involves ensuring clients follow through with their action plans to achieve their goals. Accountability involves ensuring that clients stay motivated, focused and on track. Holistic practitioners can achieve this by setting regular check-ins with their clients to evaluate the progress made and identify areas that need improvement. Practitioners need to hold clients accountable for their progress and ensure they feel empowered to make their changes.


In this blog post, we have explored the collaboral competencies essential for any holistic practitioner. By developing intuition, empathy, sensory realisation, responsibility, and accountability, practitioners can provide effective care for their clients. These competencies enable practitioners to connect with their clients on a deeper level, provide tailored solutions, foster trust and confidence in the therapeutic relationship, and help clients achieve their goals. Holistic practitioners who possess these collaboral competencies can make a significant difference in the health and well-being of their clients.
Dr Pieter du Toit
Specialisation: Change Management, Aviation Management, Business Management, Human Resources, Coaching and Business Leadership