Blog categorized as Practitioner

The Collaboral Competencies of the Holistic Practitioner
Holistic practitioners play an essential role in helping people lead more fulfilling lives. They do not only focus on treating symptoms but also aim to identify the root cause of the problem to achieve long-term, sustainable results. However, to be effective in their practice, they need to possess a...
30.06.23 03:22 PM - Comment(s)
The Habitual Competencies of the Holistic Practitioner
Applied holistic practitioner competencies are exceedingly in demand as conscious and active change agents begin to recognise the value of alternative, integrated experiential learning opportunities. These professionals apply holistic practices to unlock the optimal performance of participants, for ...
23.06.23 03:06 PM - Comment(s)
An Integral Perspective of Holistic Practitioner Competencies
In your role as a practitioner, you are probably aware of the importance of the relevant competencies required for you to perform at your optimal level in the coaching context. However, have you considered the impact of not having the essential competencies necessary to operate efficiently as a holi...
16.06.23 07:46 AM - Comment(s)
