Unveiling the Power of Applied Thought in Business Management

19.09.23 04:52 PM Comment(s)

The BCom Business Management Degree with a Spotlight on Thinking in Action


Our exploration of the transformative journey offered by the BCom Business Management degree with elective modules in ​Creativity in Management has brought us to a critical juncture: the concept of Thinking in Action. Building upon the foundations laid in ​previousblogs within this series, we now delve into the practical application of knowledge, bringing into focus the real-world relevance of applied thought processes.

Recap of the Journey So Far

Before diving into the Thinking in Action module, let us briefly recap our journey:

  1. BCom Business Management with the electives Creativity in Business Management: We introduced the concept of creativity as a driving force for solving comple. The ​BCom degree​ with the elective modules in Creativity in Management was unveiled as a transformative pathway from where you are and your organisation is now to where you will be after obtaining and utilizing these skills.

  2. Exploring the Creative Dimensions: We delved deeper into the essence of ​Creativity in Management​, highlighting its importance in the rapidly changing world. ​The World Economic Forum (WEF)​ emphasized creativity in Management as a top skill that is essential for you to learn today that will empower you to embrace creativity in your management practices in the future.

  3. Unlocking Creative Potential: In our third blog, we explored ​Thinking about Thinking​, a fundamental module that nurtures metacognition - the ability to reflect on one's thinking processes. We connected the dots between this module and the WEF's skills for 2023, such as analytical thinking, creative thinking, and problem-solving.

The Applied Creativity Practitioners Programme

The Applied Creativity Practitioners Programme is designed to empower students with the same invaluable skills and knowledge offered within the electives modules of Creativity in Management in the BCom Business Management Degree. What makes this programme unique is its standalone nature, allowing students to enrol independently or concurrently with the BCom degree. This flexibility ensures that whether you choose the BCom Business Management degree with electives in Creativity in Management or the Applied Creativity Practitioners Programme, you're accessing the same transformative content. It's an opportunity to dive deep into the world of creative thinking, equipping you to excel in a dynamic business landscape.

The Essence of Thinking in Action

Thinking in Action represents the dynamic interplay between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. . It is not enough to accumulate knowledge; the true power lies in the ability to harness that knowledge to make informed decisions, solve complex problems, and drive innovation to contribute to the organisation's competitive edge. This concept bridges the gap between passive learning which happens accidentally in the workplace and active engagement through collaboration, emphasizing the tangible outcomes of thoughtful action, such as resolving workplace challenges and finding alternative and innovative products and services for the organisation. 

Metacognition, the art of ​thinking about thinking​, propels us to explore the multifaceted dimensions of every challenge. It's a compass that encourages us to consider multiple angles, question assumptions, and delve into the nuances of decision-making. In the context of Thinking in Action, metacognition is not just an abstract concept; it is the driving force behind tangible outcomes born from thoughtful, strategic action. It empowers us to transform knowledge into solutions, making it an essential tool for thriving in the dynamic landscape of business management.

Why Thinking in Action Matters

In the context of business management, Thinking in Action holds immense significance for managers, leaders, and students alike. This module equips learners with the tools to turn creative ideas into tangible solutions. Here is what you can expect and why it is indispensable:

  1. Strategic Problem Solving: Effective management necessitates the adeptness to identify and navigate intricate problems. Thinking in Action equips individuals with the skills needed to analyze multifaceted challenges and devise effective solutions, ensuring that organizations can adapt and thrive amidst ever-changing landscapes.

  2. Fostering Innovation: Innovation is the lifeblood of contemporary business practices. Leaders must cultivate a culture of creative thinking and, more importantly, the practical application of novel ideas. Thinking in Action provides the conduit through which innovative concepts are translated into actionable strategies.

  3. Ethical Decision-Making: The ethical dimension of decision-making is paramount in the modern business arena. Managers and leaders often grapple with complex ethical dilemmas. The ability to apply ethical principles in real-world scenarios is a core facet of Thinking in Action, fostering a culture of integrity and responsibility.

  4. Intellectual Depth: Successful leaders must transcend surface-level thinking. The capacity to assimilate diverse information, envision unconventional solutions, and address intricate challenges is central to effective leadership. Thinking in Action nurtures intellectual depth, enabling individuals to pioneer sustainable solutions.

  5. Collaboration and Team Dynamics: Collaboration lies at the heart of effectively managing people. Emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, and the ability to work seamlessly within teams are fundamental. Thinking in Action reinforces these qualities, empowering individuals to collaborate effectively and contribute to collective success.

  6. Continuous Learning: In an ever-evolving business landscape, learning should be a perpetual endeavour. The ability to continuously apply knowledge to real-world scenarios is a hallmark of Thinking in Action. Students and professionals alike are empowered to adapt and innovate in response to changing circumstances.

  7. Understanding Higher-Order Thinking: This module provides in-depth knowledge of higher-order thinking processes, involving active control over cognitive processes engaged in thinking. You will discover how the brain processes thinking constructs and how whole-brain-induced learning impacts your understanding.

  8. Embracing Whole-Brain Insight: Gain insights into the skills required to interpret and apply your preference towards processing by completing the Adult Profile of the NBI® (Neethling Brain Instruments) practitioner techniques. Whole-brain insight is a valuable asset in understanding yourself and others in various contexts.

  9. Practical Application: Thinking in Action is not just theoretical. It is about translating insights into action. You will learn how to apply the principles of NBI® whole-brain models in real-world scenarios, making decisions based on a holistic understanding of thinking processes.

  10. Micro-Analysis and Real-World Application: Take your knowledge a step further by performing micro-analyses at a departmental level. Apply NBI® techniques in specific fields of knowledge, whether it is risk management, safety, operations, marketing, or any other area within business management.


Embrace the BCom Business Management Degree

The BCom Business Management degree, enriched with electives in Creativity in Management, offers an unparalleled platform for honing the art of Thinking in Action. Whether you are a seasoned manager looking to enhance your leadership skills, a student embarking on a journey in the world of business, or an aspiring entrepreneur, this degree equips you with the mindset and tools required to excel in a dynamic environment.

Throughout this blog series, we have introduced you to the transformative potential of the BCom degree and its modules. It is a journey where theory is brought to life through practical application, where knowledge becomes a catalyst for change. Join us in the next blog, where we will delve into the Creativity in Action module, exploring how it translates innovation into practicality. And remember, the synergy between knowledge and action is the key to unlocking your creative potential.

We invite you to explore our previous blogs in this series and embrace the path that leads to becoming a visionary leader in the realm of business management. Ready to redefine your career and embrace your creative side? Explore our diverse ​Tertiary Education​ options, including the BCom degree with electives in ​Creativity in Management​ and the ​Applied Creativity Practitioners Programme​ on our ​Nomix​ website. Your journey towards becoming a creative leader in business management starts here.               

Dr Pieter du Toit
Specialisation: Change Management, Aviation Management, Business Management, Human Resources, Coaching and Business Leadership